Videos Recentes
22-04-2020 16:04:48
Para shows: (62) 3241-7163 / (62) 9 9109-9766
Ouça ou baixe o álbum REFLEXO:
Maiara e Maraisa | Inscritos:
10.000.000 | Vídeos: 271
19-04-2020 19:04:12
TIME TO DROP THE LED! My happy place! John Bonham is AMAZING! Sometimes just need to ROCK, especially @ledzeppelin. A big shoutout to my friend @yoyoka_drums who is the MASTER at triplets on the bass drum, I love watching Yoyoka jam she is awesome. #ledzeppelin #goodtimesbadtimes #rock #johnbonham #ludwigdrums #zildjian #roland #vicfirth #rolandgomixer #nike @zildjiancompany @ludwigdrumshq @nike @nikelondon @roland_us @roland_us @vicfirth
Nandi Bushell | Inscritos:
446.000 | Vídeos: 186
17-04-2020 14:04:26
Para shows: (62) 3241-7163 / (62) (62) 9 9944-3121
Ouça ou baixe o EP \"Aqui em Casa\":
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👉 Ouça ou baixe o álbum REFLEXO:
Libera Ela [ Letra ]
Compositores: Diego Silveira/ Lari Ferreira/ Thales Lessa/ Rafa Torres
Ei, brother
\'Cê\' vai enrolar ela até quando?
Tem sorte
Que ela não viu que só ela que \'tá\' amando
Só te falo que tem gente aí sozinho
Que daria tudo pra ter isso tudo.
Você tem o que todo mundo quer
Mas quer todo mundo
Se você sempre tem e não quer ficar junto
Libera ela
\'Cê\' tá roubando tempo
\'Cê\' tá ocupando o espaço do amor da vida dela
Libera ela
Tá atrasando os planos
Do casório, do cachorro, do neném com a cara dela
Libera ela
Libera ela
Maiara e Maraisa | Inscritos:
10.000.000 | Vídeos: 271
14-04-2020 18:04:05
WORKSHOW LIVE - Inscreva-se para a maior live de sertanejo do YouTube. Marília Mendonça, Léo Santana, Maiara & Maraisa, Zé Neto & Cristiano e muito mais! Saiba mais sobre essa transmissão.
🔔 Inscreva-se e ative as notificações
WorkShow Live #FiqueEmCasa - Todos os canais, conectados como um só
Nesta sexta 19H00 vai acontecer a maior Live de Sertanejo no YouTube Brasil. Serão 10 artistas em 10 canais ao mesmo tempo. Já pensou em algo assim? Vc escolhe o canal do seu artista favorito e assista a live de toda essa galera aí.Você não vai ficar de fora dessa, né? Se liga aí em quem vai participar:
Marília Mendonça | Zé Neto & Cristiano | Maiara & Maraísa | Léo Santana e Mariana Fagundes | Diego & Victor Hugo | Dilsinho | Luíza & Maurílio | João Neto & Frederico | Paulo & Nathan
#workshow #workshowlive #fiqueemcasa
Maiara e Maraisa | Inscritos:
10.000.000 | Vídeos: 271
13-04-2020 18:04:15
A few weeks ago I was interviewed with @dualipa. Dua was so nice to me. I went home and listened to her songs and heard ‘Don’t Start Now’ and loved the funky bass and wanted to learn it. I hope one day we can meet again and jam. #dualipa #dua #dontstopnow #ludwig #zildjian #vicfirth #fender #roland @ludwigdrumshq @vicfirth @zildjiancompany @fender #fendermustang
Nandi Bushell | Inscritos:
446.000 | Vídeos: 186
10-04-2020 18:04:18
I discovered @thekillers this week! YES! Totally in love with Mr Brightside. It makes me feel so happy jamming to it. Hope you enjoy my cover @brandonflowers @ronnievannuccijr #thekillers #mrbrightside @ludwigdrumshq @zildjiancompany @vicfirth #ludwig #zildjian #vicfirth #questlove
Nandi Bushell | Inscritos:
446.000 | Vídeos: 186
09-04-2020 11:04:41
Me and my AWESOME brother @thomas_bushell having fun jamming to Wipe Out by! #wipeout @fender @vicfirth @electricladystudios #fender #fenderamps #fendersquier #guitar #guitarcover #guitarist #guitarsolo #fender #leadguitar #guitarra #guitarplayer #electicguitar #instaguitar #guitare #guitarrista #guitarlove #nike @nike @nikelondon #nikelondon
Nandi Bushell | Inscritos:
446.000 | Vídeos: 186
04-04-2020 07:04:11
Travis Barker! WHERE THE DRUMS AT!!! I saw Travis playing this beat is on his Instagram page and it looked like a LOT of FUN. It was actually really tricky! What’s next Travis? #travis #travisbarker @liltunechi @richforever #ludwig #zildjian #vicfirth @ludwigdrumshq @zildjiancompany @vicfirth @roland_us @roland.artists #rolandgomixer #lilwayne #rickross
Nandi Bushell | Inscritos:
446.000 | Vídeos: 186
02-04-2020 21:04:16
Parece até que Chorão sabia o que a gente ia passar e deixou essa música pra gente cair na real né ?
Manana | Inscritos:
4.620 | Vídeos: 25
01-04-2020 20:04:02
I watched @coop3rdrumm3r jam Heathens by @twentyonepilots and was inspired to have a go too! I think #twentyonepilots are really AWESOME! @joshuadun and @tylerrjoseph yeah!! #heathen #heathens - @ludwigdrumshq @zildjiancompany @vicfirth @roland.artists #ludwig #zildjian #vicfirth #rolandmixergo
Nandi Bushell | Inscritos:
446.000 | Vídeos: 186
28-03-2020 16:03:00
Come down is still one of my favourite songs. I wanted to learn the bass and guitar parts too. Here is my remix by anderson paak and the free nationals @lordkelstro @josemrios @tnavamusic @callumconnorxx #andersonpaak #freenationals #comedown #fender #fenderstratocaster #fendermustang #fenderamps @fender #ludwig #zildjian #vicfirth @ludwigdrumshq @zildjiancompany @vicfirth @roland_us @roland.artists @roland_uk @bossfx_us #bossrc505
Nandi Bushell | Inscritos:
446.000 | Vídeos: 186
27-03-2020 12:03:14
Bob Marley makes everything feel a little better. Sending all my love to everyone. #onelove #oneheart let us come together and support all the nurses, caregivers and doctors looking after everyone ❤️ keep well and keep save ❤️👧🏽 #bobmarley #stayhome #stayhealthy #love #ludwig #zildjian #vicfirth @ludwigdrumshq @zildjiancompany @vicfirth #questlove #zulu @ziggymarley
Nandi Bushell | Inscritos:
446.000 | Vídeos: 186
25-03-2020 19:03:42
For everyone who is having a difficult time we hope this silly video brings you some joy. Be strong! We will get through this together. Don’t spread it, stay in and shred it! With love and respect. The Bushell family. @thomas_bushell, @johnobushell and @a_bushell_blog. @zildjiancompany, @ludwigdrumshq, @vicfirth, @fender, @fenderbilly #ludwigdrums #ludwig #zildjian #vicfirth #fender #fendersquier #isolation #corona #drummer #school #closure #together #one #love #dontspreaditstayinandshredit
Nandi Bushell | Inscritos:
446.000 | Vídeos: 186
15-03-2020 17:03:54
LOVE is a verb, LOVE is a doing word. LOVE to everyone ❤️ My cover of ‘Tear Drop’ by @massiveattackofficial. #massiveattack #teardrop @roland_us @roland.artists @ludwigdrumshq @zildjiancompany @vicfirth @bossfx_us #ludwig #vicfirth #zildjian #roland #rolandgokeys #bossrc505 #love #peace #hope #drums #drummer #drummergirl #femaledrummer #keyboard #drumming #zulu #british #blackgirlmagic
Nandi Bushell | Inscritos:
446.000 | Vídeos: 186
07-03-2020 19:03:49
This was really tricky, playing guitar, bass, drums and singing and one take. Really getting into @radiohead and learning all my awesome instruments. #9yearsold - thank you @fender, @fenderbilly @roland.artists @roland_us @roland_uk @vicfirth #roland #boss #fender #fendermustang #fenderacoustasonic #fenderamps #bossrc505 #rolandspdsx @thomyorke #thomyorke #jonnygreenwood #colingreenwood #edobrien #philpselway @bossfx_us
Nandi Bushell | Inscritos:
446.000 | Vídeos: 186