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09-07-2020 18:07:52
INSCREVA-SE NO NOSSO CANAL: https://goo.gl/8rlBhZ Para shows: (62) 3241-7163 / (62) 9 9109-9766 comercial@maiaraemaraisa.com.br Direção: AT+G PRODUÇOES / ANSELMO TRONCOSO Clique aqui e ouça a música: https://somlivre.lnk.to/Patroas_EP1 [ Letra ] Compositores: Rafael Dias/ Bruno Hoje, quando eu acordei olhei pra mim e perguntei aonde foi que eu me perdi sozinho, eu saí da casa dela acho que briguei com ela lembro que foi bem assim depois que brigamos fui embora decidi naquela hora tomar uma pra esquecer coração apaixonado mas bandido encontrou outro ferido e era linda de morrer Eu nem me lembro como foi que terminou se a gente fez amor ou só falou de solidão só sei que agora eu estou tão dividido acordei, fiquei perdido com o coração na mão Tanta paixão, loucura que não passa amor bandido e solidão é uma ressaca MAIARA E MARAISA: Spotify | https://spoti.fi/3gMfxPE Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/maiaraemaraisa Twitter | https://twitter.com/MaiaraeMaraisa Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/maiaraemaraisaoficial #MaríliaMendonça #MaiaraeMaraisa #Patroas

Maiara e Maraisa | Inscritos: 9.970.000 | Vídeos: 265

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05-07-2020 13:07:01
I had so much fun writing this song with my friend @thisiszuzu. I can’t wait to see you again. I hope one day we can record our song ‘Gods and Unicorns’ in a studio together ❤️ Here are our lyrics. When I’m making music I think of unicorns up high🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄 When I’m making music I think of cyclones with one eye👁👁👁 When I’m making music I feel happy,angry and sad 🤣😭 When I’m making music I know nothing is that bad.. I just wanna do something that makes me alive😇 I just wanna make something... that fills my heart 💓 with pride. I DON’T wanna hide I’m gonna be alright 🤫🤫🤫🤫❌❌❌❌ All we have is time time to get it right🤫🤫🤫🤫❌❌🚫🚫🚫❌❌ DRUM SOLO🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🎬🎤🎤🎸🎸4bto 6 When I’m making music I think of all the gorgons in the sky🌌 When I’M making music I think of Medusas stone called eyes. When I’m making music I feel unstoppable every time😄😄 🎧🎤🎬🥁 When I’m making music I feel like I can really fly 😄😛😘🤪🤩😀🙂🙂😉😉😗😗😛😘🥰 I don’t wanna do something that me compromise!!!🤫🤪🤪🤪 I just wanna make something... That. fills my heart with pride🙂🥰🥰💞💕❣️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 👀 ⚡️🌈 Bridge!!!!!!!!!🌝🎢🎢🚏 Chorus!!!!!!!!!!🎬😘😀😍🥰🌝 Thank you @roland_us @roland.artists @roland_uk @roland_vdrums @fender #roland #rolandvdrums #fender #fenderstratocaster

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 442.000 | Vídeos: 185

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03-07-2020 15:07:41
I discovered @muse this week! Yes! So so so good! I really love the rocking bass and disco beats! Loving ‘Hysteria’ @domhoward77 @ctwolstenholme78 @mattbellamy #muse #mattbellamy #domhoward #chriswolstenholme #rock #funk #metal #love #equality #respect #power #blackgirlmagic. Thank you for supporting me: @ludwigdrumshq @zildjiancompany @vicfirth #ludwig #zildjian #vicfirth

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 442.000 | Vídeos: 185

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25-06-2020 16:06:38
A Live que vai parar Uberlândia/MG e o Brasil. 04 de Julho (sábado) às 21:30! Aguardem mais informações! INSCREVA-SE NO NOSSO CANAL: https://goo.gl/8rlBhZ Para shows: (62) 3241-7163 / (62) 9 9109-9766 comercial@maiaraemaraisa.com.br #MaiaraeMaraisa #AquiEmUberlandia Ouça ou baixe o EP "Aqui em Casa": 👉 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2L73yL2BUVtnwlEVr4AJHH 👉 Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/br/album/139957832?app_id=140685&utm_source=partner_linkfire&utm_campaign=de15fcd68736f852eadb866dba8e8560&utm_medium=Original&utm_term=objective-stream&utm_content=album-139957832 👉 Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/br/album/1506313015?uo=4&app=music&at=1l3vpUI&ct=LFV_de15fcd68736f852eadb866dba8e8560&lId=21710294&cId=none&sr=3&src=Linkfire&itscg=30440&itsct=catchall_p3 👉 Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com.br/albums/B086RDVWQ5 👉 Tidal: https://listen.tidal.com/album/136393279?awc=17117_1587132183_24fa6a11dfea0ecd7d576cdda2502dfd&utm_source=AWIN&utm_medium=316451&utm_campaign=Linkfire&utm_term=Generic_TextLink 👉 Napster: https://br.napster.com/artist/maiara-and-maraisa/album/ai-eu-bebo-ao-vivo 👉 Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Maiara_e_Mara%C3%ADsa_Aqui_Em_Casa_Ao_Vivo?id=Boegixko64xypbxomysjiu4pvl4&PCamRefID=LFV_de15fcd68736f852eadb866dba8e8560

Maiara e Maraisa | Inscritos: 9.970.000 | Vídeos: 265

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22-06-2020 20:06:06
Dear Tom Morello, thank you so so so much! I can’t believe this is real and you actually sent me a message and your signature guitar, it is so beautiful! AMAZING! I hope we get to jam one day! Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!!!!! Thank you so much for supporting me on my musical journey. With love and respect Nandi. Soul Power ✊🏽 #soulpower #fightracism #tommorello #rageagainstthemachine #audioslave @fender #tommorelloguitar #tommorellothenightwatchman #fender #fenderstratocaster #fenderstrat #fenderguitars #fenderamps #fenderguitar #love #respect #peace

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 442.000 | Vídeos: 185

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21-06-2020 15:06:34
The protest is not over! #BlackLivesMatter. Jimi Hendrix, Voodoo Child @Fender Thank you so much for my INCREDIBLE custom made Mini Stratocaster. I love it! #FightRacism #JimiHendrix #VoodooChild Thank you @Fender, Ludwig, @Avedis Zildjian Company, @Vic Firth, Roland, Boss - #fender #ludwig #zildjian #vicfirth #roland #boss #drums #guitar #bosspedal #bossrc505

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 442.000 | Vídeos: 185

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19-06-2020 07:06:26
I loved jamming to the Island Song in Adventure Time. It’s such a cute, fun song to play ❤️

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 442.000 | Vídeos: 185

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01-06-2020 12:06:04
Solidarity in the Fight to End Racism! #fightracism #blacklivesmatter #enoughisenough. This song is one of Nandis favourite songs. Nandi has loved @rageagainstthemachine since she was a baby. @tommorello @bradwilk #timcommerford #zachdelarocha #ratm #rage #rageagainstthemachine. Thank you for supporting Nandi: @fender @zildjiancompany @vicfirth @ludwigdrumshq @roland.artists @roland_us @boss_europe @theellenshow @dianegoldie #fender #ludwig #zildjian #vicfirth #roland #boss #bossrc505 #fenderamps #fenderstratocaster #fendermustang #ellendegeneres #boss

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 442.000 | Vídeos: 185

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30-05-2020 18:05:55
I am so proud to have been part of this incredible TV campaign for Argos to get everyone Drumming From Home! Drummer Girl Nandi Bushell

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 442.000 | Vídeos: 185

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26-05-2020 17:05:04
I was invited to @downloadfest this year! I was so excited to watch @systemofadown, @disturbed, @kissonline and all the other amazing bands. I hope one day I will get to play on stage. As Download is cancelled this year the organisers asked me to play a full version cover of Toxicity that will be streamed on the 12-14th of June on Download TV. Keep an eye of for me and don’t forget to donate to NHS Charities Together. @serjtankian @daronmalakian @shavoodadjian @johndolmayan_ #soad #systemofadown #toxicity #download #downloadfestival #downloadtv. Thank you supporters: @ludwigdrumshq @zildjiancompany @vicfirth @roland.artists @roland_us #ludwig #zildjian #vicfirth #roland #drumcover #drums #drumming #drummergirl

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 442.000 | Vídeos: 185

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17-05-2020 11:05:51
I love rocking out to #outoftheblack by @royalblooduk! This is a rocking tune @benjitalent and #mikekerr! I went full #zulu in this video. The white paint is traditionally #zulu #facepainting. Thank you to my supporters: @ludwigdrumshq @zildjiancompany @vicfirth @nike @nikelondon @roland.artists @roland_us @roland_uk #ludwig #zildjian #vicfirth #nike #roland #rolandgomixer #royalblood #royalbloodband #zulugirl

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 442.000 | Vídeos: 185

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11-05-2020 20:05:02
INSCREVA-SE NO NOSSO CANAL: https://goo.gl/8rlBhZ Para shows: (62) 3241-7163 / (62) 9 9109-9766 comercial@maiaraemaraisa.com.br #MaiaraeMaraisa Ouça ou baixe o álbum REFLEXO: https://SomLivre.lnk.to/Reflexo_Ao_Vivo

Maiara e Maraisa | Inscritos: 9.970.000 | Vídeos: 265

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10-05-2020 14:05:47
I wanted to learn how to play every instrument on #Californication by the @chilipeppers and make it my own. I follow @flea333 and @chadsmithofficial, they always inspire me to play and learn more. Message from Dad: Sorry the sound is not great, I am learning with Nandi and keeping up with her is difficult for me, I think I need some sound engineering training. Thank you for all the support: @fender, @fenderbilly, @ludwigdrumshq, @zildjiancompany, @roland.artists, @vicfirth #ludwig #zildjian #vicfirth #roland #rolandgokeys #bossrc505 #fender #fendermustang #fenderstratocaster #redhotchilipeppers #flea #chadsmith #anthonykiedis #johnfrusciante

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 442.000 | Vídeos: 185

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08-05-2020 17:05:27
Nandi Bushell performs No One Knows by Queens of the Stoneage on talk show Skavlan

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 442.000 | Vídeos: 185

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08-05-2020 17:05:12
I can wait to jam with Dua Lipa one day. Watch my full interview on Skavlan.

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 442.000 | Vídeos: 185